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This post is also available in: Sinhala New academic year for the 4th year special students of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences will be commencing on 27th March 2017.  New academic year for all the other students will be started from 6th March 2017.  
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Inauguration of the Orientation programme, for the new intake of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences – 2017 was held on 27th February at Bandaranayaka hall. Orientation programme has been organised to conduct until 5th of March, and was consisting varieties of academic events for new students. This years orientation programme has organised by the coordination of Mr....
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Rajagala Archaeological project conduct by the Department of History and Archaeology now has come to the stage of construction  after the excavation stage. Stone Bowl Buildings, Image House, Dana Shala and Bodhigara monuments has been recovered and are being  constructed by the project. For more information on Rajagala Project Please visit to the Rajagala Project Site>> Stupa...
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Deccan College , Post Graduate and Research Institute, Deemed University, Pune India agreed to jointly undertake archaeological excavation and research and strengthen the mutual academic exchanges. Agreements between the two institutions were focused to develop collaborative programmes in archaeological excavation and research, promoting scholarly exchanges among members from both sides, and jointly hold relevant academic activities,...
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Members of the Committee on Archaeological Heritage Management in China visited University of Sri Jayewardenepura on 16th February 2017 to acquire knowledge on  Heritage Management practices in Sri Lanka. This discussion was graced by Prof. Sampath Amaratunge,Vice Chancellor of the University, Prof. Prashantha B. Mandawala, Archaeologist and Acting Dean, Faculty of Technology, Dr. K. M. Alexandar,...
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ගෝලීය උණුසුම යන්න සරළ ලෙසින් අර්ථ දැක්වුවහොත් පෘථිවිය මතුපිට උෂ්ණත්වය අඛන්ඩව ඉහළයාම ලෙස දැක්විය හැකිය. වසර 1800 පමණ පටන් ගෝලීය උෂ්ණත්වය සෙල්සියස් අංශක 1 කින්  පමණ ඉහල ගොස් ඇති අතර මෙය අප වැනි රටවල ජනයා එතරම් ගණන් නොගන්නේ ඔවුන් එක දිනකට විවිධ පාරිසරික උෂ්ණත්වයන්ට නිරාවරණය වන බැවිනි. උදැසන, දහවල්, රාත්‍රී ආදී වශයෙන් විවිධ උෂ්ණත්වයන්ට අප...
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On Sunday February 12th the Embassy of Sri Lanka in association with the national council for culture, Arts and Letters will celebrate the cultural heritage of Sri Lanka through a concert featuring the best in Sri Lankan music and dance at the Al Shamiya Theatre at Kuwait. Arab Times online has published an article written...
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“වත්මන් පාරිසරික හා කාලගුණික තත්වය” සම්බන්ධයෙන් භූගෝල විද්‍යා අධ්‍යයනාංශයේ ජේෂ්ඨ කථිකාචාර්ය සුමනජිත් කුමාර මහතා TV 1 නාලිකාවේ හරිමග වැඩසටහනට සම්බන්ධ වෙමින් පැවැත්වූ සාකච්චාවේදී මෙම තත්වයට මුහුණ දිය යුත්තේ කෙසේද යන්න පැහැදිලි කළේය. තවමත් මෙම තත්වය හේතුවෙන් ආපදා තත්වයක් ඇති වි නොමැති බවත් එවැන්නක් ඇතිවුවහොත් එම අභියෝගය, විශේෂයෙන් නැගෙනහිර වැනි වියලි පළාත්වලට බලපෑම් කළ හැකි බැවින්...
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