One Day Workshop for School Counselors and Students by Dept of Philosophy and Psychology

A one-day workshop was organized by the Department of Philosophy and Psychology concurrently the World Mental Health Day was held on 10th October 2018 with the participation of school counselors and students. The workshop was included lecture series and practical activities that were taken lace throughout the day. Lectures were conducted by Prof. Gnanadasa Perera; Head of the Department, Department of Philosophy and Psychology, Prof. W. M Yaparathne; Department of Philosophy and Psychology, Mr. Aruna ShanthaWalpola; Senior Lecturer, Department of Philosophy and Psychology, Mr. Sirisena Herath; Former Senior Deputy Inspector General of Police and the Director-General- OPD- National Dangerous Drugs Control Board, Mr. N. D. G. Gayantha; Senior Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, University of Kelaniya, Dr. Ruwan Ferdinando; Director Health Services and Director office Health services, Kalutara and by Mrs. Shyama Kasthuriarachchi; Head of the unit, Psychiatry Division- Mental Health Unit, mother’s home- Kalagedihena

The patronage of the Vice Chancellor of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura; Senior Professor Sampath Amaratunge, Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences; Prof. D. P. S. Chandrakumara, Senior Emeritus Prof. Daya Edirisinghe, academic staff of the faculty, and non-academic staff, and students of the department is much appreciated as they have contributed immensely to the success of this event.