Four Students from the Department of Languages, Cultural Studies and Performing Arts Awarded Prestigious ICCR Scholarships to Study in India

The Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) has announced its prestigious postgraduate scholarships, and four deserving students from the Department of Languages, Cultural Studies and Performing Arts of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences have been selected to receive this esteemed honor. The students, specialized in Sanskrit and Hindi have been recognized for their exceptional academic achievements.

Congratulations to the ICCR Scholarship Recipients:

Rev. Madawachchiye Dhammasiri
University: Andhra University
Program: MA in Sanskrit

Rev. Katharagama Dhammarama
University: Punjab University Patiala
Program: MA in Religious Studies

D.M. Amith Dissanayake
University: Calcutta University
Program: MA in Comparative Indian Language and Literature

Anjana Isurumali
University: Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya
Program: MA in Hindi


The initiative to encourage students to apply for these scholarships was spearheaded by Director Swami Vivekanand Cultural Centre, Professor Ankuran Datta, and supported by the Head of the Department of Languages, Cultural Studies, and Performing Arts, Professor Nilanthi Rajapakshe. Their efforts in guiding and mentoring the students played a crucial role in their successful applications.

The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, along with the entire academic community, extends heartfelt congratulations to the scholarship recipients. We wish them all the best in their academic pursuits and future endeavors as they contribute to fostering cultural understanding and cooperation between India and Sri Lanka.