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DELT Speech Star 2022, the oratorical competition organized by the Department of English Language Teaching (DELT) aims at developing public speaking skills (English) of the first-year students of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (FHSS). During the first and the second semesters of the academic year, the DELT conducted all the lectures by using online platforms due to COVID-19 crisis-based restrictions, and it was noticed by most of the lecturers that the speaking skills of the students could be developed by providing more and more online opportunities to use English. Prepared speeches and impromptu speeches were often used in order to develop the public speaking skills of students. Further, it was also felt that encouragements on public speaking skill would motivate the students to communicate effectively. This competition had three rounds: Round one- Class Level Competition; at this level, the students of all 18 classes were given an opportunity to participate in the competition and the best three speakers from each class were selected for the round two. At this point, the selected speakers were further trained in developing the delivery of impromptu and prepared speeches. Finally, in round three, the best three speakers were selected as the winners. In addition to these winners, the students of the Department of English and Linguistics competed separately and the best three speakers from this category were also selected. Prof. Hemamali Goonethelika from the Dept. of Business Administration, Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, Prof. Theshini Perera from the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Prof. Renuka Nilmini, the Dean, Faculty of Technology, Dr. Swarnananda Gamage Head of the Department of English Language Teaching, University of Buddhist and Pali and Dr. Dushan Jayawickrama, Head of the Department of Marketing Management, Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce were the judges of the final round.