The Archaeology Museum of the USJ appreciates the generous donors of the museum objects received in the past few years

In appreciation of the generous contribution made by the donors of the museum objects received in the past few years, the Archaeology Museum of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura conducted a certificate awarding session, during the Opening Ceremony of the 61st Anniversary Celebration Program series of the Archaeology Museum, USJ, on the 10th of October 2023, at the Sumangala Auditorium of the FHSS, USJ.

Accordingly, the following generous donors were thanked and appreciated during the session.

  1. Sen. Lect. (Ven.) Dambara Amila
  2. Emeritus Prof. T.G. Kulatunge
  3. Prof. P.B. Mandawala
  4. Prof. Karunasena Hettiarachchi
  5. Prof. K.M. Alexander
  6. Prof. Gamini Ranasinghe
  7. Sen. Lect. (Mrs.) U.N.K. Rathnayaka
  8. Mr. Aruna Thalagala
  9. Mr. H.P.B. Somasiri
  10. Mr. N.M. Karunarathna

On behalf of the staff, students, and the university, the Archaeology Museum and the Department of History and Archaeology would like to extend sincere thanks to the aforesaid donors and kindly invite the readership to donate artifacts you possess or inherit, to enrich the collection of the Archaeology Museum of the USJ.