Industrial Training

In the last year of study, our Department offers a 6-month internship program. This helps students get real experience working in the industry, learn important business skills, and make connections with professionals.

We encourage students to choose an internship that helps them get better at the skills they’ll need in their future careers. This includes learning to work well with others, being on time, and working as part of a team.

Getting an internship is a key step for IT students to see what working in the real world is like. They’ll learn what’s expected in a job and gain the confidence to face new challenges.

When a student finishes their internship with good feedback, it helps them stand out to future employers.



  • Enhance Professional Skills: Equip students with industry-related skills and foster professional growth through hands-on experience, teamwork, and communication.
  • Connect Theory with Practice: Apply classroom learning to real-world scenarios, enhancing understanding and critical thinking.
  • Build Confidence and Responsibility: Encourage students to face challenges and work responsibly, nurturing self-confidence and awareness of social responsibilities.
  • Create Networking Opportunities: Facilitate the establishment of professional contacts, mentors, and references to support future career development.
  • Increase Employability: Strengthen key competencies like problem-solving, punctuality, and research skills to make students more attractive to potential employers.


What our recent graduates say

  • My internship at Axiata Digital Labs was an enlightening chapter in my career path. As an Intern in Software Engineering, I was exposed to an environment where innovation and creativity thrived. The projects I was involved in, such as the development of new digital platforms, allowed me to apply the principles I learned through the BSc in IT at our esteemed department.
    The emphasis on Core Programming Skills and Real-World Projects in our curriculum was instrumental in preparing me for this challenging and rewarding role. I was able to contribute significantly to my team, working on various aspects of software development, such as designing, coding, and testing.
    Axiata Digital Labs fostered a respectful and professional atmosphere where I could grow and experiment. I was not only able to enhance my technical proficiency but also learned the importance of following best practices and effective communication. The experience reaffirmed my belief in the value of hands-on experience, something that our BSc in IT program strongly advocates.
    The growth I witnessed in myself within the span of this internship was remarkable. I evolved from an eager student to a confident professional, ready to take on the tech world’s dynamic challenges. I owe a significant part of this transformation to the robust education and support from our department.
    To future interns embarking on a similar journey, I would advise focusing on developing core programming skills, working on real-world projects, and maintaining a respectful and professional attitude. These are the cornerstones that will guide you to success in the tech industry, just as they guided me.

    O. K. Shashini Dileka
    Software Engineer (Axiata Digital Labs)
  • My internship at H 0ne (Pvt) Ltd as an Associate System Engineer was a pivotal experience in my professional growth. Engaging in cutting-edge projects, I had the opportunity to apply my academic knowledge gained from the BSc in IT program at our esteemed department.
    The blend of real-world projects, research, and networking opportunities during my undergraduate studies prepared me for the multifaceted role at H 0ne. I was able to dive into system engineering, enhancing my understanding of complex technologies and methodologies.
    The company’s culture encouraged exploration and innovation. My responsibilities ranged from system design to implementation, reflecting the comprehensive skill set nurtured by our BSc in IT program. The synergy between my academic learning and the demands of my role made the internship not only challenging but also incredibly rewarding.
    For those seeking a similar opportunity, my advice is to focus on research, apply for internships strategically, and hone your technical skills. These steps, combined with the robust education provided by our department, will set the stage for a successful internship and, ultimately, a thriving career in technology.

    W. M. L. D Weerasooriya
    Associate System Engineer (H 0ne)
  • My internship at Cemex Software Pvt Ltd was an extraordinary chapter in my career, where I had the opportunity to dive into the world of Project Management. As an Intern Project Manager, I was entrusted with significant responsibilities, including Scrum Handling and creating tasks for the team.
    The BSc in IT program at our distinguished department prepared me for this role, with subjects like Software Project Management and Global Professionalism playing a crucial role in shaping my understanding. These academic learnings were the bedrock upon which I built my success at Cemex Software.
    The internship provided me with valuable insights into working with diverse teams, handling Scrum, and understanding the nuances of Project Management. Within six months, I was promoted to the position of Scrum Master—a testament to the growth and achievements I made during this period.
    The environment at Cemex Software was flexible and encouraging, allowing me to thrive and move closer to my goal of becoming a Project Manager in the future. The skills I acquired and the projects I worked on will always hold a special place in my professional journey.
    To those aspiring to follow a similar path, I recommend focusing on Problem-Solving, Critical Thinking, Adaptability, and Teamwork. These skills, coupled with the solid foundation offered by our BSc in IT program, will guide you to success in the tech industry.

    R. D. Thashmeera Rajamuni
    Project Manager (Cemex Software)
  • Embarking on my internship at Parallax Technologies (Pvt) Ltd, I had the chance to explore the exciting world of Quality Assurance. The role was both challenging and enlightening, aligning perfectly with my BSc in IT studies at our prestigious department.
    It’s no secret that the real-world application of knowledge is a key to success. My experience in automation, communication skills, and QA methodologies was cultivated through the comprehensive curriculum of our degree program. This foundation allowed me to excel in my internship, where I was able to implement and test robust systems.
    Parallax Technologies fostered a culture of hard work and continuous improvement. I was encouraged to enhance my skills daily, reflecting the values instilled in me through my academic journey. The synergy between my studies and my internship role was evident, making the transition smooth and productive.
    To those looking to follow a similar path, I encourage the development of automation and communication skills. These competencies, coupled with the academic excellence of our BSc in IT program, will pave the way for a successful career in technology.

    S. Shyamitha Gunawardhana
    Quality Assurance Engineer (Parallax Technologies)
  • My experience as a Software Developer at SLT Digital Lab was transformative, shaping my professional path in ways I had not anticipated. The hands-on role allowed me to dive deep into the world of development, applying the skills and knowledge I acquired through the BSc in IT at our renowned department.
    Time management and technical proficiency were critical to my success during the internship. These skills, nurtured through our department’s rigorous training, enabled me to contribute effectively to various projects, including the development of innovative digital solutions.
    SLT Digital Lab’s environment was challenging, pushing me to grow and adapt. The experience was invaluable, reinforcing my belief in the power of real-world application. My advice to future interns is to focus on time management and technical skills. Coupled with the solid foundation provided by our BSc in IT program, these skills will serve as the building blocks for a rewarding career in the tech industry.

    P.D.R.D.M.Senarathna Testimonial
    P. D. R. D. M Senarathna
    Software Engineer (SLT Digital Lab)