Mrs. Pasangi Perera

Lecturer (Contract)
BSc (Hons)(Comp. Sci.)(USJ), MSc in Comp. Sci. (Reading)

Academic Profile




• BSc (Hons) in Computer Science, Second Class Upper (University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka 2019)
• MSc in Business Analytics, (Reading) (Robert Gordon University, United Kingdom 2020-2021)

• Developing an Interactive Interface to Explore the Influence of Other Students’ Activities to Increase their Social Motivation: A Machine Learning Approach
• Developing a Mobile Application to Explore the Effect of University Students’ Activities on Their Social Dynamics – 2019 – ICACT

Presentations :
“Developing a Mobile Application to Explore the Effect of University Students’ Activities on Their Social Dynamics” at the “International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches 2019”,organized by the Faculty of Graduate Studies University of Sri Jayewardenepura. (26 th and 27 th of November 2019)

• System Analysis and Designing
• Human Computer Interaction
• Mathematics for Computing
• Introduction to Business Intelligence
• Data Analytics and Big Data