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University of Sri Jayewardenepura Department of Music and creative Technology Academic year 2022/2023

Department of Music and Creative Technology

The Department of Music and Creative Technology is the newest department of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, and the first ever department to handle the technological, computerized aspects of music in the state university system of Sri Lanka. It started its journey as part of the Department of Languages, Cultural Studies and Performing Arts, one of the oldest departments of the university. By introducing new subject areas in keeping with the modern requirements of the world, and branching out to fields that are now a requirement in the arena of music worldwide, the Department of Music and Creative Technology offers greatly relevant and updated knowledge from which students will benefit largely and be more capable of adapting to the challenges of the modern world of music and entertainment industry. 

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A Practical Workshop on Piano and Keyboard Techniques

A Practical Workshop on Piano and Keyboard Techniques

The Piano & Keyboard Techniques Workshop held on March 7th, 2023, at the Department of Music and Creative Technology Premises aimed to provide 2nd Year undergraduates of Bachelor of Arts

Department of Music and Creative Technology Relocates to Sri Wimaladhamma Mansion!

Department of Music and Creative Technology Relocates to Sri Wimaladhamma Mansion!

We are very pleased to announce you that, the Department of Music and Creative Technology moved into the Sri Wimaladhamma Mansion and settled, on 22nd of February 2024 with the

Valentine’s Musical Event at Sumangala Building!

Valentine’s Musical Event at Sumangala Building!

Love was in the air on 14th of February 2024 as the talented students of the Department of Music and Creative Technology mesmerized the audience with their enchanting melodies at

May your soul rest in peace!!!

May your soul rest in peace!!!

Remembering the legendary Ustad Rashid Khan, whose music transcended boundaries and touched souls around the globe. His legacy in the world of classical music will remain an everlasting source of

Vacancies for the Post of Temporary Lecturer, Department of Music and Creative Technology

Vacancies for the Post of Temporary Lecturer, Department of Music and Creative Technology

VACANCIES Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, USJ Expressions of interest are invited for an interview to consider graduates suitability for the post of Temporary Lecturer (North Indian Classical Music

Message of the head

Our vision of the Department is to foster a dynamic and innovative learning environment that cultivates creative thinking and performance skills, academic excellence, research advancements and community engagements.

The Department of Music and Creative Technology places great importance on the students’ success and well-being. We provide support services comprising academic advising, research opportunities and extracurricular activities. We orientate students towards career guidance support and collaborations with industry partners and government institutions at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Dr. K.R. Priyantha Tilakasiri – Head of the Department

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