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Conference Guidelines

Guidelines for the Abstract

The abstract should have a uniform style as follows:


Name(s) of the author(s)
​​Email address of the corresponding author


Text (should consist of brief Introduction, Objective, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusion/without headings).


Word Count:Abstract should be one paragraph with a maximum of 350 words

Keywords:Up to 5 words

Margins:Left: 2 cm; Right: 1.5 cm; Top and Bottom: 1.5 cm.

​Line Spacing:
Between Title and Names – 1.5
Between Names and affiliations and email – single
Between Email and the main body of text – single
Within Text – 1.15

Font: English – Times New Roman, Sinhala – FM Abhaya, Tamil – Bamini

Bold, center aligned, font size 14, capitalize each word, No spaces above the title and 1.5 lines spaced below the title.

Name/s of Author/s & Affiliation/s:
Bold, Center aligned, font size 11, name/s with initials (eg D. S. S. Dissanayake), a single-spaced between names and affiliations

E-mail address of the corresponding author:
Center aligned, in italics, font size 9, a single-spaced between affiliations and e-mail address

Font Size: 12
Text justified with 1.15 line spacing.

3 – 5 keywords in Italics. 12 size fonts, left aligned. 1.15 space between the body of text and keywords.

Electronic Format:
ICICH accepts only digital manuscripts. Abstracts must be submitted only in word.doc/ word.docx format.

Submission for the abstract:
Submit your abstract through the following google form:


Deadline for Submission of Abstracts:
31st March 2025

Decision Notification:
30th May 2025

Submission of Revised Abstracts:
15th June 2025

Registration Date:
On or before 20th August 2025