Duties & Responsibilities

  • To coordinate the graduate and undergraduate curricula in general or as instructed by the Dean, FHSS
  • To review and assess all new programs, courses, or revisions to existing programs and report recommendations
  • To provide consultation and support to departments if required, impacted by any changes to the undergraduate curriculum
  • To be available to discuss details and address questions on curriculum matters with the faculty and administration
  • To study trends in curriculum development and related policies
  • To communicate curriculum developments with the FHSS WEB Page
  • To orient sub-committee members, if necessary, on the functions, responsibilities, policies and procedures of the CDC
  • To advise in the preparation of the curricular content of the students’ prospectus of the FHSS and all other relevant curriculum-related materials
  • To invite, with the approval of the Dean, FHSS, in an ad hoc basis, to its meetings any person whose expertise/skills may advance its objectives
  • Record the minutes, prepare reports, new forms, templates, and other relevant documents in accordance with the committee’s decisions
  • Participate in regular Curriculum Committee meetings
  • Report the outcome of such meetings at the Faculty Board Meetings