
Title of the Rajagala Archaeological Project

Conservation of the Ancient Monuments and the Forest Monastic Natural Environment within the Rajagala Archaeological Reserve in the Ampara District of Eastern Sri Lanka.

Project Location

The project is located within the Ampara District situated in the Eastern Province of Sri Lanka.

Main Objectives of the Rajagala Archeological Project

The main objective of the project is to preserve the architectural remains and the cultural landscapes of the ancient meditation monastery of Rajagala by arresting deterioration processes and carrying out interventions to revitalize the ancient character of a forest monastery for the enjoyment of the present and future societies and to revive it as a spiritual and ethical Development Centre.

The sub objectives of the project

  • Provide training to the archeological undergraduates of other Universities in Sri Lanka with regard to the mitigation measures that have to be taken to arrest the deterioration of archeological monuments and to teach them in the international standards of interventions – ie. Preventive Conservation, Stabilization, Conservation, Consolidation, Anastylosis and Restoration – by allowing them to obtain on site practical training
  • Preservation of the natural and man-made environment
  • Educate the local community on the importance of cultural preservation and raising awareness on the protection of archeological sites bay way of conducting seminars, workshops, educational programmes, etc.
  • Obtain participation of the local community for the project activities by recruiting technical persons, skilled and unskilled laborers from the project area
  • Invite local community to participate in the project activities by helping by way of rendering free services to transport materials to the top of the mountain
  • Provide spiritual and ethical development to university community