Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies
The Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies represents one of the oldest Departments of Study in the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, originally formed in 1959 under the name of Vidyodaya University of Sri Lanka. The founder of the University, the Most Venerable Welivitiye Sri Soratha Nayaka Thera had the objective of making the University a center of learning on Buddhist Philosophy and Buddhist Civilization. The Department is proud to continue this tradition and provide opportunities for students to learn major areas related to Buddhism – Pali Language, Buddhist Civilization and Buddhist Philosophy.
News and Updates
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17th International Conference of Pali and Buddhist Studies (ICPBS) 2024
17th International Conference on Pali and Buddhist Studies (ICPBS) 2024 Towards a Harmonious and Sustainable World: Insights from Buddhist Philosophy Organized by The Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies Faculty
Cultural Show for Promoting Tourism at the Presidential Secretariat Premises
With the goal of exposing Sri Lankan tourism and displaying authentic Sri Lankan culture and traditions to the world the undergraduates from Buddhist Heritage and Tourism Degree Programme of the
16th International Conference on Pali and Buddhist Studies (ICPBS) 2023
16th International Conference on Pali and Buddhist Studies (ICPBS) 2023 Organized by The Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Sri Jayewardenepura About the
Undergraduates of the Buddhist Heritage and Tourism Degree Programme under the Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of University of Sri Jayewardenepura

Message of the Head
The Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies represents one of the oldest Departments of Study in the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, originally formed in 1959 under the name of Vidyodaya University of Sri Lanka. The founder of the University, the Most Venerable Welivitiye Sri Soratha Nayaka Thera had the objective of making the University a center of learning on Buddhist Philosophy and Buddhist Civilization. The Department is proud to continue this tradition and provide opportunities for students to learn major areas related to Buddhism – Pali Language, Buddhist Civilization and Buddhist Philosophy.
Ven. Prof. Elamaldeniye Sarananda
Head of the Departmentment
Upcoming Events
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17th International Conference of Pali and Buddhist Studies (ICPBS) 2024
Chinese Language Power’22
Industry Interaction Programme with Russian Tourists
Department of Pali and Buddhist Studies
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Sri Jayewardenepura