Conference Guidelines


If the supervisor of the undergraduate student agrees, his/her name can be included as a co-author of the abstract (as the second name/author). Anyone of the authors can become the corresponding author.

Call for Abstracts

The Vidyodaya Undergraduate Research Day invites the undergraduates, whose dissertations are currently being evaluated, to submit their abstracts for presentation at the VURD 2023.

The conference is to be held on 22nd of February 2023. Submit your abstract, to under one of the conference tracks, on or before 6th December 2022.

Abstract Submission Guidelines

One-paged abstracts are invited. (Between 250 and 300 words)

  • Paper: A4
  • Margins: Left 1.5’, Right 1.0’, Bottom 1.0’, Top 1.0’
  • Medium: Sinhala or English (For abstract writing guidelines in Sinhala please refer the Sinhala Abstract Template attached below)
  • Title of the abstract: maximum 20 words, font type Times New Roman, font size 14, bold, centered, line space 1.5 

Guidelines for Abstract Submission

Download Abstract Template – English>>

Download Abstract Template – Sinhala>>

The author details must be included below the title, as per the following guidelines.

  • Names of the authors: font type Times New Roman, Bold, font size 12, line space 1
  • Affiliations of the authors: font type Times New Roman, font size 11, line space 1
  • Email address of the corresponding author: font type Times New Roman, font size 10, line space 1, Italic
  • Body of the abstract: font type Times New Roman, font size 12, Line space 1.15, justify
  • Keywords: Maximum 5 keywords separated by commas, font type Times New Roman, 11 points, line space 1, justify

The body of the abstract should include the following main sections WITHOUT headings.

1. Introduction
2. Research Problem
3. Objective(s)
4. Methodology
5. Results and Discussion
6. Conclusion and Recommendations
7. Keywords (05 Keywords)

Figures and tables are not to be included.
The abstract should be sent both as a Word and PDF file.
Undergraduates are encouraged to use the templates provided below in writing the abstract.