
The Curriculum Development Committee of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (FHSS) of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura (USJ) is a standing committee of the university charged with ensuring that the FHSS curriculum development and review are consistent with approved processes, and undertaken in full compliance with curriculum policies and regulations of the USJ, the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) chaired by the Dean, FHSS,  and the University Grants Commission (UGC) of Sri Lanka.

The Curriculum Development Committee receives and reviews curriculum suggestions/proposals for all new credit or non-credit courses and for major revisions to or deletions of existing credit courses and receives and reviews new and revised Curriculum Guidelines. These suggestions include, inter alia, the proposals made on teaching, syllabi, materials, formative and summative examination procedures and regulations and co-curricular framework.

The Committee consults widely, takes specialist advice if necessary and makes a report, with appropriate recommendations, to the Faculty Board of FHSS.  It is only upon the recommendation of the Curriculum Development Committee that the FHSS may seek final, formal approval at a Faculty Board Meeting of FHSS. The Faculty Board determines whether a change be made and the details of any consequent implementation is required before forwarding it to the Senate Board Meeting of USJ, either for the Senate approval or information.