Author: S. H. N. Upamalika


The discussion on gender identity in sociology recognizes its socio-cultural construction, distinct from biological sex. Gender crimes, considered hate crimes, encompass acts like feminism, female genital mutilation, and forced prostitution. In criminology, men are noted to engage in criminal behavior more than women across societies and historical contexts. Official statistics highlight gender disparities in reported crime patterns. Activists challenge these statistics, citing social construction and labeling theory. Feminist perspectives acknowledge female criminality but attribute it to different causes. In Sri Lanka, crime statistics show men committing more crimes, especially violent ones. Gender-based violence, including physical, mental, and sexual abuse, disproportionately affects women globally. Factors influencing such violence include economic dependency, education levels, and cultural norms. In Sri Lanka, domestic violence against women is prevalent, exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic. Fear, dependence, and patriarchal norms contribute to underreporting. Legal mechanisms exist in Sri Lanka to address gender-based violence, but gaps and challenges persist. International obligations, such as the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, reinforce the need for protection. However, gender-based violence remains a complex, pervasive global issue violating fundamental human rights principles. In summary, the intricate relationship between gender and crime involves societal, cultural, and legal dimensions, requiring comprehensive efforts to address and prevent gender-based violence.

Keywords: Criminality, Gender, Violence

How to Cite: Upamalika, S. H. N., 2023. Gender and Crime. ‘Pumithiri’ e-Journal of Gender Studies, 2(2), pp.3-10.

Published on 19 Nov 2023