On March 5th, 2024, undergraduate students who are studying Japanese at Sri Jayewardenepura University visited JICA Sri Lanka office, J.R. Jayewardene Centre and the Japanese restaurant called Tempura Shikisen on a field visit.
JICA is Japan’s ODA (Official Development Assistance) implementing agency, which is responsible for the economic and social development of developing countries. In this visit the students could listen to an introduction to JICA, its initiatives in Sri Lanka, and its collaboration with Japanese people. Then some Sri Lankan staff who work in JICA Sri Lanka office shared their personal experiences working with Japanese people. The students could observe Sinhala language training for Japanese volunteers who will soon be dispatched in their respective locations.
For the students who have a limited opportunities to interact with Japanese people, it is hard to imagine how Japanese could be used in real life scenarios. After seeing many Sri Lankans that work together with Japanese people, the students were saying “we want to work in a place like this”. It seems the Field visit was highly motivating, and this would stimulate our students to work harder to reach their future goals. Hope to provide more opportunities like this to expand the employability of our students.
2024年3月5日 スリ・ジャヤワルダナプラ大学にて日本語を学んでいる学生たちと校外学習として、JICAスリランカ事務所、ジャヤワルダナセンター、てんぷら四季泉の3か所を訪問しました。JICAとは、日本のODA(政府開発援助)の実施機関で、開発途上国などの経済・社会発展を支援している組織です。今回はJICAの概要、スリランカにおける取り組み、日本人と一緒に働くスリランカ人スタッフのみなさんのお話を聞かせていただきました。また、海外協力隊としてこれから任地へ派遣予定の方々の語学訓練の様子を見学する機会もいただきました。