48th Convocation of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura will be held on 21st, 22nd & 23rd October 2022 at the Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall for the conferment of degrees. Considering the present situation, we are in the process of calling convocation supplications from the faculty wise this time. Accordingly eligible graduands of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences are required to submit the completed convocation supplication forms. Graduands from other faculties may also be called in due course. Convocation supplication form can be downloaded from …………………………… Convocation Fee First Degree Rs. 8,000.00 First Degree (in absentia) Rs. 8,000.00 Dully filled supplication forms along with the scanned copies of the following documents {(must be clear scanned documents (not images or photos taken from camera, mobile phones, etc. )} should be sent on or before 01.08.2022 via con.fhss@sjp.ac.lk
Deputy Registrar Academic Student affairs, Publications & Examinations Division University of Sri Jayewardenepura Gangodawila, Nugegoda
Use the following link to access the students’ payment system for relevant payments. http://………………… (Before generating the payment receipt, you must select the “convocation fees” category in the Income Type drop down menu)
Extra information The name you have written on your convocation supplication form should exactly be the name appearing on your Birth Certificate. In the original degree certificate, your name in Sinhala will be appeared as on your birth certificate and in English, it will be appeared as in the final results. {If there is any spelling correction in your name, please get it corrected before sending the supplication form} Cloaks will be issued by the Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences two weeks prior to the Convocation. Before that you should handover your Student Identity Card to the Faculty Office and return your Library Books.
Deputy Registrar Academic Student Affairs, Publications & Examinations