

Our Student Welfare Program is prepared to help students solve their financial problems successfully.  The program has been established to produce a successful graduate from our Faculty.  In order to provide financial assistance to students coming from low-income backgrounds, we have a scholarship program and a part-time job scheme.  Furthermore, we also help students with their accommodation issues.


The Board of Members of the Student Counselling Program is appointed for one calendar year, commencing from 1st September 2019, by the Dean, FHSS, upon the nominations and recommendations of the Faculty Board of FHSS, and with the approval of the Senate of the USJP. The membership of any appointed member who has prolonged or unexcused absences for more than three consecutive monthly meetings will be terminated, unless otherwise notified.

Board of Members

  • Advisor – Dean, FHSS
  • The Chair, SSC
  • The Secretary, SSC
  • Treasurer, SSC
  • Coordinator Student Welfare Program
  • Twelve members 
  • Assistant Registrar, FHSS

Our Programme

  • Financial and welfare support 
  • Hardship fund
  • Accommodation information and hostel issues 
  • Job link

Student Welfare Unit of the Student Support Center of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura offers limited number of short-term scholarships to the undergraduates who are facing extreme financial difficulties. Fill the scholarship application form below, we will soon contact you to evaluate your situation.