Authors: N. L. K. Sandunika


Anthropology plays a major role in revealing the multifaceted dynamics of gender, as well as in creating an ongoing discourse on gender equality, social justice and inclusion. Also, historical, cultural and contemporary factors have motivated anthropologists to reveal how gender roles shape identities and power dynamics. Accordingly, the primary objective of this article is to study the dynamics of gender in Sri Lanka from a multifaceted perspective through an anthropological approach. Anthropologists study how cultures and societies construct concepts of masculinity and femininity, as well as how these concepts intersect with other social dimensions such as race, class, religion, and sexuality. Due to globalization, urbanization and social changes, significant changes are taking place in the social status of men and women in Sri Lanka. Women’s participation in the workforce, education and politics has increased, by challenging traditional gender roles. Still, there are challenges in achieving gender equality in areas such as education and employment. Addressing disparities in educational access, promoting skills development and challenging barriers to women’s full participation in the workforce are critical steps. Continued research and policy initiatives will play an important role in shaping the future of gender dynamics in education and employment in Sri Lanka. In recent years, Sri Lanka has made remarkable progress in areas such as education and political representation for women. However, significant challenges persist, including gender-based violence, economic disparities, and underrepresentation in leadership roles. Continued interdisciplinary research and collaboration between academics, civil society and policy makers, policy initiatives and community-based efforts are essential to promote gender equality and create a better society in Sri Lanka. By studying gender from an anthropological perspective, researchers aim to challenge essentialist notions of gender, highlight social and cultural influences on gender constructions, and contribute to a more nuanced understanding of gender in different societies.

Keywords: Anthropology, Feminism, Gender Based Violence, Gender Equality, Political Representation.

How to Cite: Sandunika, N. L. K., 2023. An Anthropological Study of Gender Dynamics in Sri Lanka. ‘Pumithiri’ e-Journal of Gender Studies, 2(2), pp.73-84.


Published on 19 Nov 2023