Guest Lecture on Entrepreneurial Ecosystem organized by FHSS

A guest lecture on Entrepreneurial Ecosystem organized by Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences will be held on 15th December from 10.00 am to 12 .00 pm at board Room of the FHSS. Eugene Fregetto, Professor of Marketing at University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) is the gust speaker of this event. He teaches entrepreneurship, B2B Marketing, Consumer Behavior, Marketing Research, Global Marketing, and Personal Selling courses.  Has received his PhD from the School of Urban Planning and Policy at UIC, MBA in Marketing from DePaul University, a BA in Journalism from Marquette University, and an Associate degree in Architecture and Structure Engineering from Milwaukee School of Engineering. Professor Fregetto’s current research interests include minority and ethnic entrepreneurship including preferential government contracting programs, assessment of student learning in entrepreneurship, and examining the conceptual development of entrepreneurship. The publication of his research includes a chapter in Entrepreneurship: The Way Ahead, publication in the Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, and numerous conference proceedings for the United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship. He serves on the editorial board for the Journal of Small Business Strategy and the Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship.

Contact:  Dr. Shirantha Heenkenda / Department of Economics