ශාස්ත්‍රවේදී මානවශාස්ත්‍ර හා සමාජීය විද්‍යා (සාමාන්‍ය) බාහිර උපාධි 2018

ශ්‍රී ජයවර්ධනපුර විශ්වවිද්‍යාලයේ බාහිර උපාධි සහ විස්තාරිත පාඨමාලා ඒකකය විසින් මෙහෙයවනු ලබන ශාස්ත්‍රවේදී මානවශාස්ත්‍ර හා සමාජීය විද්‍යා (සාමාන්‍ය) බාහිර උපාධියේ ආරම්භක වැඩසටහන 2018 සැප්තැම්බර් මස 08 වැනිදා පැවැත්විය.


BHSS (General) External Degree-Orientation Program 2018

Orientation program for the new intake of Bachelor of Humanities and Social Sciences (General) External Degree (2018), conducted by the External Degrees and Extension Courses Unit of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura was held on 8th September 2018 at Bandaranayaka Hall.

Prof. D. P. S. Chandrakumara Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences graced the event as the chief guest. Also Prof. E. Dayaratne;  Director, External Degrees and Extension Course Unit, Ven. Prof. Medagampitiye Wijithadhamma Thero; Head of the Department of Pali and  Buddhist Studies, Prof. Rathnasiri Arangala, Prof. Shirantha Heenkenda, Prof. Mayura Samarakoon; Head of the Department of Sociology, Dr. Chithra Jayathilake; Head of the Department of English and Linguistics,  Mr. I. D. Jayaruwan; Senior Lecturer in the Department of Social Statistics (Course coordinator), Mr. W. A. S. Wijekoon;  Senior Lecturer in the Department of Sociology (Course coordinator), Ms. D. P. Kanthi Manel; Head of the Department of Social Statistics, Mr. Sampath Pushpakumara, Head of the Department of English Language and Teaching, and a large number of academic members of the faculty and staff members of the External Degrees and Extension Course Unit participated in the event.