Student Welfare Unit of the Student Support Center of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura offers limited number of short-term scholarships to the undergraduates who are facing extreme financial difficulties. Fill the scholarship application form below, we will soon contact you to evaluate your situation. Privacy will be protected during the whole process.
Opening date of the application : 15th of February 2024
Deadline for the application: 31st of March 2024
Terms and Conditions to Apply
- This is not a full-time scholarship program.
- Applications for the short-term scholarships will be opened in the first month of each academic Year.
- Once applications are closed panel members will evaluate the applications and the selected students will be awarded a one-time scholarship.
- No of students and amount of the money for each scholarship will be decided by the panel members according to the annual donations received to the Hardship Fund of the FHSS.
- Annually only a few (based on the donations received to the FHSS Hardship Fund) number of students with economic difficulties will be selected by panel members of the Student Support Center.
The following conditions will be considered in selecting students for the annual scholarship
Economic Status
- Occupations of the parents
- Monthly average family income
- Recipients of Samurdhi
- Recipients of Mahapola from the University
- Recipients of Bursary from the University
- Have you applied for any other scholarship/s? Have you already been selected by a scholarship program?
- Have you obtained this scholarship before?
Family Background
- Number of family members
- Special Remarks about Parents (Alive or Passed Away)
- Number of siblings
- Age of the siblings
- Occupations of the siblings
- Do you have disabled member/s in your family?
- Do you have family member/s suffering from long-time illnesses or diseases?
Education Background / Performances
- Department
- Academic year
- AF number
- AR number
- Your participation in the lectures and performances during the past semesters will also be considered as special conditions.