Journal of Intangible Cultural Heritage
JICH 2023
Volume 02, Issue I
ISSN 2820-2260 (Online)
Peer Reviewed Journal
ISSN 2820-2260 (Online)
Peer Reviewed Journal
A Comparative Study of Hindi-Sinhala Nouns in the Context of Culture and Semantics
H. I. Premathilake
A Study on Literature of the Vedic Gata (By the generation of Bibila Mallahawe Buratawa)
C. M. R. P. Chandrasekara
A Study of Rituals in Connection with Dagonna Gotaimbara Devalaya, the Ahung offering, and the flower basket offering
D. L. I. S. Ranchamara
An Investigative Study of the Use of Music and Socio-Cultural Background in Ancient Sri Lanka (Based on Literary Sources of the Anuradhapura and Polonnaruwa Periods)
H.M.N.M. Ekanayaka
An Anthropological study of how the Incent Taboos associated with Traditional Marriage Customs in Sinhalese Society were Important in Social Control (Based on Aruggammana Gramaniladari Domain)
M. S. Samarasekara and K. J. S. Weerasooriya